One of the best flash game ever created, the first game was one of the greates but this sequel?
i'ts the jewel on the crown. double content, more road to drive over, a lot of zombies to pass over OR shoot.
maybe the amount of perk it's a little too much and take a really good time to be Max. level but it's still great.
maybe the only biggest problem this game have it's the ammount of LAG, god one of the things Flash have it's have many games with a ton of lag and that bright here.
thats why some people think Road of the Dead 1 and this sequel should have a remastered.
it could be a really good idea. Sadly that maybe never gonna happend since the creator and the devs have life and even families and they don't have time for that, not even for Road of the Dead 3.
Oh well maybe a group of fans could make a remastered in the future.